The time to film.
It was terrifying, and exhilarating, and also rather hilarious.
We had finally decided on the name Booty Call for our film, after lots of sniggering about bottoms.
Unfortunately, it rained for the majority of the weekend. This caused a lot of swearing; Adam, Josh and Annabel were concerned that the equipment may get ruined, I was concerned that my hair might get ruined (at least one of us has our priorities right). Despite our annoyance at the weather, it actually proved to be an asset in gaining some rather arty shots involving an umbrella and some swans. The swans concerned me. I have never known birds to be so perverted. They took a great interest in looking up my skirt as I put my leg up on a bench to clean my boot.
We also managed to successfully get all our shots we needed in the pharmacy, despite the torrent of customers who would inadvertently get in the way, the manager who would 'watch' us apparently oblivious that he was not helping proceedings by doing this in front of the camera lens, and the inevitable giggling fits at the incontinence pants.
Back at the Harris Palace, we managed to create a rather impressive tracking shot. This was the brainchild of Adam Tyler, who recognised that a skateboard and a pile of heavy books plus camera and tripod equals professionalism. So we piled the books onto the base of the tripod to anchor it to the skateboard, which Josh crawled along the floor with.
You don't get much more professional than that.
The following day, we soldiered on.
The scene that perhaps stood out most in my mind, which is also the scene I most wish to erase from my mind, was the saucy bedroom scene. As if getting dressed up in hold-ups and silky bedroom attire wasn't enough, it wasn't until AFTER the shot of me crawling across the bed towards the boots had been filmed that I was informed by my grinning crew that the footage was X-rated. The things we do for the sake of education!
Towards the end of the day, we were all exhausted and ready for some serious sleep. There was one more scene to shoot. The sliding down the door in floods of tears scene. Of course, as we so desperately wanted to do this shot quickly so we could go to bed, it took the longest of all. We corpsed. Enormously so. To the extent that we had to banish Josh to an upstairs bathroom in order to save our sanity.
But we did it.
Fuelled by vast quantities of chips, we had survived the weekend without resorting to violence.
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