Tuesday, 29 December 2009


We threw ourselves whole-heartedly into the gatehouse editing suite, and there we threw ourselves whole-heartedly into editing.

Logging and capturing an entire feature film is not a task I envy of feature film makers, as our footage took a good week to log and capture.

Tensions ran high on occassions, but this was usually solved by a little tea related trip to the Union or a head massage.

Final Cut Pro, although tricky to master at first, quickly became second nature to Annabel who worked like a trooper making sure the whole film was fluid and as stunning as it could be.

We even missed the university's winter ball in our dedication to perfecting Booty Call.

The soundtrack proved to be incredibly awkward as well. We were led on a wild goose chase by various members of the music department's administrative team, and in the end we bit the bullet and gatecrashed the main auditorium in the hope of not being discovered for as long as it would take to record the concerto movement.

Alas, we were discovered, by a man who I shall simply refer to as Mr D. Now, Mr D appeared at first to be extremely helpful by finding us some state of the art recording equipment. He did, however, snap at me at a later point, and I am ashamed to say that I was a big girl about it and cried a little bit. It was nearing the end of a long and tiring process, and, frankly, I wanted my bed. We managed to get the piece recorded, although being in Mozzilla mode I was very unhappy with the result, and it was only after a LOT of reassurance from Annabel that I was just being a perfectionist, did I eventually resign myself to the reality that the recording we had was the one we would have to use.

I borrowed a miniature copy of the score for the Emperor Concerto from the library, and pulled an all-nighter (fuelled by tea and chocolate) where I entered the entire orchestral part into GarageBand, alongside the piano recording, instrument by instrument.

I was very nervous about showing it to the rest of the group the following day, but we played it alongside the edited footage of Booty Call, and by some miracle, the music fitted the images almost perfectly. The scenes changed at the precise moments the mood of the music changed, complimenting each other perfectly.

So, with a little further work, our film was finished. We test ran it on some friends who had not seen the script and it was well received.

So without further ado, here it is.

Booty Call.

Be nice about it.

We went through a lot.


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