Welcome to my blog!
I have set up this charming little record of my studies as a student at Bath Spa University not only for your unquestioned entertainment, but as a useful record for me and my tutors to keep a track of how my projects are progressing, in particular, my film projects.
I have to say, I was rather shocked to be given WORK when I came to university. What is that all about? I thought the whole point of university was to procrastinate and get sozzled on a regular basis. However, having been here now for an entire year, I have discovered that working can actually be... dare I say it... fun...? I hope that this blog will come to reflect that.
However, having only started this module a mere seven days ago, I could be proven wrong, in which case this blog may consist entirely of four letter words that will eventually lead to me being removed from blogger.com by some higher authority.... This sort of eventuality would usually occur as a result of technology failing me, which it often seems to do. As much as I enjoyed my film module in the first year, there were numerous "incidents" involving cameras and computers which I still find too painful to talk about without getting rather emotional.
However, I have been dutifully informed that our films this year will be made in groups, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that there are others in my group with more technological ability than me. This will not be hard. My dyslexic cat has more technological ability than me.
Despite all this, I think I am a fast learner. I have, after all, figured out how to post this, which in my opinion merits a glass of bubbly (which no doubt will be spilt all over the keyboard, leading the computer to explode, and my blog being permanently wiped off the world wide web).
I have invested in a swanky new camcorder of my own with many posh functions that I am figuring out gradually, and am rather pleased with some of the results I have obtained from it. I was extra-pleased to receive with the camera a free SD card, a free hard-drive of 250GB, and a free carry-bag. Being a student is, after all, more about how much free stuff you can get than anything else. Thankfully all this stuff will help me get through this project alive as well.
I also have a fair amount of experience with directing actors, and acting myself, having studied drama practically and theoretically (I know all about Stanislavskian methods, daaaahling), so feel I can contribute with confidence to the stylistic aspects of the film-making. There are many who would say that I had an "odd" imagination, and as disconcerting as this may be to anyone who attempts to have a conversation with me, I do believe that any sort of imagination is a benefit to a piece of art, such as our film will certainly be.
I am also very eager to create a soundtrack that will be admired by all, preferably one that makes me very rich and famous. Music has been a strong passion of mine since the age of four when I started to learn the piano, and I have since studied it, composed it and performed it. Therefore, when it comes to the soundtrack, I intend to morph into the love-child of Mozart and Godzilla. Monstrously musical.
So there you have it, folks. At the present moment, I have no more idea of what our film will end up as than you do, but I am intrigued, and I hope you are too. I also hope that the other members of my group find my Mozzilla endearing rather than pant-messingly terrifying. Else there may be some rather disdainful parallel blogs floating around on the internet as written by them.
We shall see.
Wish us luck....
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